RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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We established the launch point but with rain in the air and the cross wind out of limits for the tugs the day was scrubbed at about 12:00 in time for lunch at which it was noted that there has been a welcome increase in quality. 

It was the perfect opportunity to get in some ground school for our younger members.  Having earlier taken part in rigging a K21 now, under the watchful eye of Colin Haynes, our MEF students were introduced to the club simulator.  Built with our MEF students in mind it is proving to be a great training aid for our young people. So whilst they conducted imaginary aero-tow launches and circuits, the rest of us were relegated to admin in Hangar 4.  Our simulator is home built but we have our eyes on an upgrade and looking out for a 2 seat cockpit with and VR headsets!

Junior member Amelia continued her BI training under the watchful eyes of first, in the classroom jolly Alan Jolly, and later with Norm Potts at the launch point.  Despite the no-fly Amelia’s work will not be wasted

Fingers crossed for good weather next weekend.